
Thursday, September 28, 2017

It was Williams first day at school. The teacher fainted, and the kids froze. An elephant came bounding through the playground, the children ran screaming. William chased after the elephant in his wheelchair. The huge elephant ran into a tree and the tree fall onto the powerlines and it caused a fire william said ¨I am coming there¨ and  the classroom burst into flames. And willm  got his machine on his wheelchair And push the button that said water and now the fier is done now. ¨What about the elephant said Williams little animal shelter and they lived happily ever after.The next time school started in the new term a  Panda came to school  and the Panda ate all the trees and fight and everybody and it went round houses and scared everybody out.William and his friend came to the class and said get out of my  way. Wait I need to stop this fire because the power lines fell on the class. William and his friend put the water on the class and the other classes are now fixed. But now they need to take care of the animals, they brought them back to the animal shelter. After school William  got his bag unpacked And the issues never happened to him anymore, he had friends everyday the school was happy and they had a fun life altogether .
                         The end
            By sophie stainger

he had sat afternoon and he got to do his homework
Hi my name is Sophie and I am here to tork about ski Instruction for kids.
When people learn to ski  there are many common mistakes that they make.  Here many of them are listed with reasons why people make them, what happens when you make them, and a bit on what to try to stop yourself making th
                                                                                                There are many people that can't listen to instructions but it is easy to - Ears open,  eyes open.

Keeping warm!   Why key warm? So you don't get sick how to keep warm?  To keep warm you will need  a jacket,  warm pants and gloves too.
                 The end by Sophie

Skittle Rainbows
To try and make the skittles turn into a rainbow effect
My hypothesis is that the skittles will burst and colour will droop down the plate as the warm water is poured over top

  • Skittles (10)
  • Warm water (1 Cup)
  • 1 plate

Step 1: Open the bag of skittles.
Step 2: Put the skittles individually around the edge of the large dinner plate.
Step 3: Pour a full cup of boiling H2o into the model
and water for 60 seconds 1 minute.
Results: What happened? Why? Haw?
As the boiling H2o was poured into the middle of plate the skittles

How: White spray paint boiling pot (smoke) bubble machine moisture (rain) , mist in a can storm.

What:Make cloud.

why:Oxygen, sky is not plain blue, trees can grow, so we can ett food.

From: Sophie stainger.
When I grow up

My name is sophie now I´m talking to you
         Why I  Want to be a singer.
Why I want to be a singer? Because I love
singing.I started to sing when I was four years old. I love singing.

It's Part of my life.
What I do in my free time? In my free time I always sit on my bed while I read and sing.
Where I sing? I sing everywhere! I sit in my room and sing, I sing in the car, I sing at school and I sing while I play. How? Focus on your breathing, find a song that you love and practice singing daily.
My favourite song is? What's my name
from descendants 2 And Angels from Jamie McDell .

Singing is a piece of art Because you're sharing it with the world .Improve your singing go to singing school.Drink water and join choir. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Spy fox

It was a dark and stormy night.Spy fox was at home with his wife. He was a She got him Wine but he didn't drink it because his watch turned yellow and he had to go on a mission.Mission was to go To sardines in a can There was a lot of guys He distracted some of themso then he could go inside. He saw Dr Hema He was trying to save the ice because the penguins couldn't swim.Dr Hema stolas  his wife He got his gun and then he shot machine in the eye. He ran to save his wife and he caught her. She Killed the sardines Well spy Fox fiddled with some buttons Sound button he quickly escaped well we will miss the Sharks got stuck and then he had to an image load up by Sophie
The night lights went out.

Last night, in the middle of the storm the light went out.’’it’s a power cut,’’ said mum.mum put some candles in jars around the fireplace.’’This is’’, awful
The Snowstorm

Before the snow storm came I got the fire on, and I got into my onesie, and watched Mako Mermaids Macie snuggled up on me. My Mum came out and she said what is all the racket,  I said a snowstorm lookoutside.After a while The snowstorm stopped.It was snowing I askt mum if we could go Outside I got changed A game into warm clothes and Millie and Nikoli and Mum to it is so cold and we had tea and went to bed. by Sophie

When I was two or one   
my mum took me to the  hospital because I broke my arm. I got a pink cast.
A few weeks later I went
to the hospital  and they cut
my cast off my arm but no one
signed it.

I learnt my lesson. I never rock on my chair anymore.

Hi my name is Sophie and I am here to talk to you about my invention My invincible have 3 master bedrooms and 3 other sized bedrooms and a good sized kitchen and very modern and 4 bathrooms and It will come furnished and it will be able to fly the sky because it is a flying unicorn and it will have glitter and stuff so you can paint and you can feel the breeze when you open the windows. And a lot of food so if you had cookies then you would never run out of the Cookies when you took a bite out of it you're never run out Of cookies I love those days when you never run out.I will take me about 2 years to make it and my family can stomach come and stay and maybe I'll be rich and become famous will be a lot of

July and stuff like that and my friend shavarn and emma

resource imageOnce upon a time there lived a little lonely cat she had nowhere to stay she was very lonely. She had no food, she was just walking around very sad and very hungry. She said down by a tree and she slept until the morning. in the morning she went for a walk and she saw a little silly she went to do it and she and she goes until someone came to the door. The door Southern and  the person at lift it and now you fella let's get you warm so she did. And the cat had somewhere to stay at last it was very happy and she never was lonely and she had two  little sisters  and a little brother and mother because the owner of all those cats Collected all the cats that came to her door and they were happy and healthy and they even love them. A year later the owner the  passed away and the cats  had to go find a new house with your mother so they and because gave it. They went to a little cottage and no one  lived there so they were open the door to the cat home and then and the lights were on it was a nice place at head cat food everything and so
they make yourself at home and then they became very  health  family.  

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

When I grow up

My name is sophie now I´m talking to you
         Why I  Want to be a singer.
Why I want to be a singer? Because I love
singing.I started to sing when I was four years old. I love singing.

It's Part of my life.
What I do in my free time? In my free time I always sit on my bed while I read and sing.
Where I sing? I sing everywhere! I sit in my room and sing, I sing in the car, I sing at school and I sing while I play.